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DoCS News

ab: 01.10.2024 |Stundenausmaß: 20,00

zunächst befristet auf 1,5 Jahre



Metamodeling concepts comprise not only the selection of appropriate methods but also the syntactic and semantic specification of modeling techniques....


Conceptual Modeling is about the use of abstraction to reduce complexity in a domain for a specific purpose. The design of modeling methods thus...

DoCS News

Job vacancy starting: 08/15/2024, Working hours: 30 h, Limited contract until: 08/14/2028


The Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy (VDP) invites interested persons to their talk on June 20, 2024 3-5pm

DoCS Event

International Opportunities Across Academia and Industry. Learn about career opportunities and educational paths abroad and exchange ideas with...

DoCS Event

on final stage of your PhD studies - assigment of reviewers, submission & assessment of your thesis and preparations for the defence.

DoCS News

Since February 2024, Han van der Aa has been Professor of Process-oriented Information Systems and Head of the Workflow Systems and Technology subunit...

DoCS News

The position covers a colleague’s maternity leave and is initially limited until 05 September 2024, but is expected to be extended to the actual...

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