
DoCS News

Overleaf licences are now available through the ZID. DoCS funds Grammarly licences.

DoCS News

Would you like to be connected to other DoCS doctoral students via Mattermost? Then fill in this survey!


Join the ZOIS Executive Summit in Vienna about IT skills and leadership during an IT outage


Join the VDSP summer school by registering until April 26, 2022.

Public Defence

"Finding needles in the Galactic haystack: Towards interpretable machine learning methods to identify stellar structures in the Milky Way"


Join the guest talk by Nick Bowman (Syracuse University, US)

Join our new LinkedIn Group "UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science"

The LinkedIn Group aims to connect current members and alumni of DoCS


Follow us on Twitter and receive the latest updates, news, and information on the Doctoral School Computer Science.

More events can be found in the »Event calendar of the Faculty«.