DoCS Networking Events & Social Activities

Networking events and social activities are a great opportunity to meet other doctoral collagues, exchange ideas about the doctoral programme or doctoral journey, interract with the peers, connect and meet very international colleagues and friends. These events are usually accompanied with casual atmosphere, good food and company, and much space for conversation and exhange of ideas.

The DoCS offers several activities for new and current doctoral students multiple times per year, like get-togethers, networking events, cohort meetings, guest lectures, peer coaching activities and welcome events. At these events, doctoral students can also use the chance to ask the DoCS any questions they might have about the doctoral journey, doctoral programme, social events, activities, summer schools, funding measures by the doctoral school or any other doctoral school related questions.

It is also beneficial because the doctoral student representatives usually join the events, where students can ask them anything that might come to their mind regarding the doctoral program or journey.

To always be informed about the upcoming events, check the DoCS event calendar regularly to register in time!

Previous DoCS Networking Events

June, 2023 - Guided tour through the Vienna Museum of Science and Technology and a networking event

November, 2022 - Guided tour through the main building of the University and a networking event

June, 2022 - Presentation by TTO and a networking event

January, 2022 - Online wine tasting experience and a networking event

Guided Tour and Networking Event of DoCS (November, 2022)

Guided Tour and Networking Event of DoCS (November, 2022)

Send us an email!

You have an inspiring, original idea that needs help funding to be organized? Get in contact with the DoCS, explain us your idea, and we will tell you about the best way we can support you!