UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS

The Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Vienna has world-leading researchers in Computer Science who pursue basic as well as applied research. DoCS builds an essential framework to foster excellence in research and teaching.

Modern computing systems are arguably among the most complex things ever produced at a large scale by humans. They have been tremendously disruptive to our lives and will very likely be even more disruptive in the future. Computer Science as a discipline has a strong engineering component that enables the large majority of those disruptive innovations. At a full university of high rank as the University of Vienna, Computer Science is a visible lighthouse of innovation that can help society, business, as well as other scientific disciplines to actively shape the digital transformation we face today.

The Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Vienna has world-leading researchers in Computer Science who pursue basic as well as applied research. The UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science (DoCS) builds an essential framework to foster excellence in research and teaching. Its main focus is young prospective researchers eager to make an impact on both basic research as well as applied problems with collaborations across the University and beyond. We aim to provide these young researchers with the broad knowledge and expertise needed to perform Computer Science research at the highest achievable quality. The Doctoral School trains them in solving basic as well as applied research questions of high relevance. It helps them gain the ability to present their results at top level venues according to international scientific standards.

DoCS News & Events

Public Presentation

Research cluster "Models and Systems"

Research Seminar

Registration is open from 13.02.2023 09:00 to 23.02.2023 09:00

DoCS News

We are very happy to welcome Dr. Kathrin Hanauer (Algorithms for Scalable AI) and Dr. Gramoz Goranci (Algorithms)!

Public Presentation

Research cluster "Algorithms and Computing"

Public Defence

"Platform Descriptions for Heterogeneous Parallel Systems and Applications"

Public Presentation

Research Cluster "Data and Knowledge"

Additional News, Events & Opportunities

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