Application Process

There are two ways to apply for funded positions plus an option for DoCS members with existing contracts.

1. DoCS Pooled Calls for applications

There are pooled calls for open positions at the UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science every half year. The doctoral candidates selected in the two calls in one calendar year form a cohort of the doctoral school.

2. Open Positions

Positions that cannot be filled during the pooled calls will be opened in the meantime till the next call. Doctoral candidates joining DoCS this way will be placed in the cohort of the prior joint call.

3. Completion Contract

Option of a 6-month contract extension - for DoCS members only who are in the final phase of their their PhD studies and previously had a contract as praedoctoral researcher at the faculty.

Employment Policy

Equal Opportunities

The University of Vienna has an anti-discriminatory employment policy and attaches great importance to equal opportunities, the advancement of women and diversity. The university and the Doctoral School Computer Science lay special emphasis on increasing the number of women in academic positions at all levels and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply. We strive to support compatibility between family and work/ training. 

 DoCS Newsletter

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