Who to contact?

All important contacts in one place.

Whether you are searching for the right person to ask about the study program structure, your travel reimbursements or connecting with your colleagues, you will find all the required contact people on this website. After that, you can simply click on the respective person and continue to their contact.

If you are finding it hard to find the person to contact, simply contact the DoCS email directly: docs@cs.univie.ac.at.

Who to contact? © DoCS/Canva

© DoCS/Canva

  • internal guidelines, rules, supervisions
  • managing, conception and develpment of the doctoral school
  • representation and support of the DoCS programme
  • public relations and organizational matters for doctoral candidates (summer schools, retreats, visitors, etc.)
  • travel funds and reimbursements
  • organisation of studies and study law
  • major strategic (i.e. non-operational) decisions
  • objective decisions regarding the DoCS and faculty
  • ensuring fullfillment of faculty objectives
  • guidance of doctoral students to successfully complete their doctoral research projects
  • overview of research focuses and research affiliations
  • inspiration for research ideas
  • assessment of public presentations (FÖPs)
  • applications and admissions consultation to the administrative body
  • administrative body support regarding study matters, students and supervisors
  • external and internationally renowned researchers 
  • strengthening the international orientation and focus in research and teaching activities
  • faculty development planning
  • express students' study demands, wants and rights
  • support and share ideas for activities, events and wishes
  • members of the steering commitee meetings
  • peer support and communication
  • inspiration for research ideas
  • support of cluster research

Doctoral Graduates

  • Alumni connection
  • peer support
  • interesting ideas defended

 Additional links

» Curriculum Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences in the field of Natural Sciences

» Curriculum Doctoral/PhD Programme in Business, Economics and Statistics

» Course Directory (2023S)

» All current forms for the doctorate (English)

» All current forms for the doctorate (German)

» PhD process (Center for Doctoral Studies)

» Submission and review of the thesis (Center for Doctoral Studies)

» PhD Handbook Navigating your Doctorate (Center for Doctoral Studies)

» Orientation Guide for International PhD Candidates (Center for Doctoral Studies)

» Early Career Researchers - Funding Programs (Research Services and Career Development; University of Vienna)

» grants.at (online database for scholarships and research grants)

» University Law 2002 (German)

» Statutes of the University of Vienna

» Study Law