Doctoral Student Representatives

Doctoral student representatives are a bridge between the DoCS doctoral students and the Steering Committee.

Doctoral student representatives (speaker and a vice-speaker) are elected by the doctoral candidates and are non-voting members of the Steering Committee meetings. These students promote the interests and support the ideas to the benefit of their fellow DoCS doctoral students, advocate for their aims and aspirations, and encourage everything regarding student wellbeing.

We thank them for that!

Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Martinek, BSc

Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Martinek, BSc 

Doctoral student representative
UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS

Patrick Pazour, BSc MSc

Patrick Pazour, BSc MSc

Doctoral student representative
UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS

Research Cluster: Human - Computer Interaction and Education (HCIE) 

Research Group: EDEN - Education, Didactics and Entertainment Computing
