Doctoral Programme in Computer Science and Business Informatics
The doctoral programme of the Faculty of Computer Science at the University of Vienna offers graduates of Master programmes a more in-depth specialisation in one of the faculty's research areas. The aim of the UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS is to enable students to independently develop the methodology of computer science and to implement this methodology in a targeted manner in both academic and non-academic settings.
Doctoral candidates will attend a certain number of courses to learn about the current state of international research on the one hand, and become familiar with techniques of scientific research by participating in research groups on the other hand. In doctoral research seminars, students get an overview of current international research activities and projects and are thus introduced to scientific practice.
Even though the main focus of the doctoral programme is on independent scientific research and scientific practice by expanding their knowledge in the field of specialisation selected, doctoral candidates will additionally acquire further knowledge and skills which qualify them for management positions. The main skills acquired include independence, project-based work, self-organisation as well as documentation and presentation techniques.
Programme duration: 3 years
Courses: At least 12 ECTS (DoCS recommends a teaching programme of 18 ECTS of research seminars)
Topic for dissertation: Computer Science or Business Informatics
Degree: Dr.techn. or Dr. rer. oec.
Doctoral School: UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS
Location: Währinger Straße 29, 1090 Wien
Possible topics for dissertation
The Director of the Doctoral Studies Programme (DSPL) 50 is responsible for the following fields of doctoral research: Computer Science and Business Informatics.
- Doctoral programme in Natural Sciences and Engineering Sciences in the field of Natural Sciences with a dissertation on a topic in Computer Science (Dr. techn.; degree programme code A 786 880) and
- Doctoral programme in Business, Economics and Statistics with a dissertation on a topic in Business Informatics (Dr. rer. oec.; degree programme code UA 796 305 175).
The curriculum provides information on the qualification profile, the requirements for admission, the structure of the doctorate and the number of ECTS credits which doctoral candidates have to earn during their doctoral studies. The curriculum for the doctoral programme includes the following key elements:
- The degree programme duration is 3 years
- Courses of at least 12 ECTS (DoCS recommends a teaching programme of 18 ECTS of research seminars)
- Public presentation of the intended doctoral project within the first year of doctoral studies
- Signing a doctoral thesis agreement subsequent to the public presentation
- Periodical, at least annual progress reports
- Write a doctoral thesis, which demonstrates the candidate's ability to master academic topics independently
- Public defence
Please read your curriculum carefully. (The new curriculum will be made available here as soon as it has been officially issued.) For the current curriculum, see below:
Curriculum: Business Informatics (Dr. rer. oec.)
Supervisor and Co-supervisors
For each doctoral position a supervisor and one or more co-supervisors will be assigned. The exact number of co-supervisors is decided by the supervisor after the student has been admitted to the doctoral program (but before the public presentation) based on the nature of the position, the availability of co-supervisors, and other constraints such as industry partnerships.
It is a Doctoral School Computer Science requirement regarding doctoral students admitted to the doctorate starting from WS2020/21 to define a DoCS co-advisor. DoCS Professors (full, associate, assistant) from the University of Vienna, but also from other universities can act as DoCS co-advisors. The DoCS co-advisor does not have to be a co-supervisor in the sense of study law (i.e. co-supervisors are defined in the document "Registration of the doctoral thesis topic and announcement the supervisor(s) (SL / D11)"), even though this is possible as well.
From registration to graduation: Procedure and forms
The doctoral process and forms have been standardised throughout the university.
All information on the admission procedure, curriculum and legal framework as well as on the organisation and forms can be found on Supplementary, you can find information on the admission and on the doctoral process in condensed form on our DoCS website.
Support in all administrative matters is provided by the StudiesServiceCentre Computer Science.
Info session: Doctoral studies at the University of Vienna
The Center for Doctoral Studies regularly organises info sessions on the doctoral studies at the University of Vienna in German and English language.
Additional links
» Curriculum Doctoral/PhD Programme in Business, Economics and Statistics
» All current forms for the doctorate (English)
» All current forms for the doctorate (German)
» PhD process (Center for Doctoral Studies)
» Submission and review of the thesis (Center for Doctoral Studies)
» PhD Handbook Navigating your Doctorate (Center for Doctoral Studies)
» Orientation Guide for International PhD Candidates (Center for Doctoral Studies)
» Early Career Researchers - Funding Programs (Research Services and Career Development; University of Vienna)
» (online database for scholarships and research grants)
» University Law 2002 (German)