Completion Grant within the framework of the doctoral programmes of the University of Vienna


Doctoral schools can provide funding to support their junior researchers (members of the doctoral school) in completing their dissertation project. The aim of these completion grants in the form of contract extensions is to bring funded dissertation projects to a successful conclusion within the funding period of (maximum) up to 6 months.

Target Group

Highly qualified members of the doctoral school in the final phase of their doctoral programme.

Time Management

A total of approx. 9-12 weeks should be planned for the recruiting process (including planning, posting the job ad and selection process by the sub-unit and finally contract creation via HR department) once the completion contract has been approved by the DoCS Management



Candidates have to be employed as praedoc assistant / praedoctoral researcher or have been employed as such in the current calendar year. The candidate is (still) in an employment relationship with the University of Vienna and is subject to all associated rights and obligations.

In addition, the generally applicable framework conditions must be observed, i.e. a transfer is only possible if all requirements for further employment are met (e.g. chain contract regulation, foreign legal requirements, etc.). This includes fulfilment of employment obligations (e.g. teaching obligations; in the event of non-fulfilment, a statement from the supervisor must be available; periods of absence are taken into account)

Candidates have to be an active member of the Doctoral School Computer Science (DoCS) and successfully submitted one or more peer-reviewed paper(s).

At the time of application, work on the dissertation must already be so far advanced that it can realistically be expected to be completed by the end of the funding period (maximum 6 months) at the latest.

This means that all requirements per curriculum need to be fulfilled, such as

  • completed coursework (no outstanding ECTS)
  • successful completion of the first-year public presentation (FOeP)
  • valid dissertation agreement
  • regularly submitted annual progress reports

Application Stop

Currently no applications possible for 2024

The decisions for the available contract extensions have already been made and the corresponding commitments sent out. The funds for contract extensions for 2024 have been exhausted. If there is still a remaining budget available, the DoCS will announce a further call for contract extensions in fall 2024. Otherwise, funds will be available again for the 2025 calendar year.

Application for a completion grant

Requests for contract extensions have to to be submitted by the respective DoCS-Supervisor via email to at the latest 6 months prior to the end of the ongoing contract with the following information:

  1. name of the sub-unit (research group)
  2. name of doctoral candidate
  3. previous employment details
  4. end date of contract
  5. Planstellennummer (position number) for global budget position or details of the externally funded project
  6. starting date and duration of contract extension

In case of large numbers of requests, the process will be highly selective. The final decision on the allocation of DoCS funding is subject to the head of school and management team.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Dominique Sundt (DoCS coordinator) via