Impact.Award 2022 - Submit now!


Award for doctoral candidates funded by the City of Vienna Cultural Affairs (new deadline: April 18, 2022)

Your dissertation project has the potential to generate social, economic or cultural added value? Win the Impact Award 2022 and spread the impact of your research project with a tailor-made video!

Eligible are active doctoral students of the University of Vienna with an ongoing dissertation project that, in addition to high scientific quality, is characterised by the potential to have an impact on society, to address new target groups or to stimulate innovative measures or products. 

The winners of the Impact Award 2022 will receive a tailor-made video production to present the impact of their research project. This consists of a video shoot from the series Univie Presenting... portraits of early stage researchers as well as an animated infographic about the impact of the research project, which will be made available to the award winners for further use on websites, social media, presentations, etc.

There will be a workshop on the topic "Societal impact of my research" on 16 March.

Deadline for submission is April 18, 2022 (new deadline!) 

Impact Award 2022