The UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS searches for a student assistant to support the activities of the doctoral school concerning planning and conducting events, public relations, and the alumni programme.
Duration of employment: 1 year (initially limited to 1 year; after that period, a new contract can be possible)
Extent of employment: 14.0 hours/week.
Job description:
- Active cooperation in preparing and realizing activities and events for doctoral school students within and beyond the curriculum (e.g. summer schools, retreats, get together events)
- Further development of existing communication and public relation activities: Supporting and editing the website, Promoting the DoCS via social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), Supporting the creation of an image video
- Involvement to define and realize communication activities and events for Alumni
- Support of specific administrative tasks within the doctoral school
- Active students (Bachelor's or master's programme) with very good results; not yet a completed master´s programme of the area of concentration; Applications are open to students of all subject areas
- Very good English skills
- Good MS Office skills
- Willingness to learn a content management system (Typo3) to edit and design the website
- Relevant experience in the field of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
- Independent and solution-focused way of working
- Ability to work in a team and communication skills
What we offer:
- Various and exciting fields of action
- Creative working atmosphere
- Possibility to get in touch with new topics
- Flexible working time arrangements
Applications including a letter of motivation (German or English) should be submitted via the Job Center to the University of Vienna no later than 19.4.2022, mentioning reference number 12924.
For further information, please contact Dr. Judith Feuerhake.