Pregnancy/Parenthood and Academia


What you need to know and how can University of Vienna help you.

Scientists decide to become parents later and more rarely than other populations, even though their wish for children is just as pronounced. An essential reason for this is the question of how pregnancy/parenthood will affect the continuing scientific career and when or if there is a "good" time to start a family. The situation is especially challenging for pregnant scientists who work in laboratories, for scientists in third-party funded projects and for incoming scientists without the necessary care infrastructure here.

University of Vienna helps you to get all the information you need about the legal rules and rights you have when you are a parent or currently pregnant and work in academia.

The topics:

  • Pregnancy and Laboratories
  • Maternity protection/parental leave and contract duration
  • Parenthood for incoming scientists
  • Counselling and coaching for (Expecting) parents
  • Workshop offerings

To learn more read this article