- When: 27.02.2025, 10:45 - 13:00
- Where: Seminarraum 7, Währingerstraße 29, 1090 Wien
- 1st Presentation
- When: 10:45
- Presenter: Sophia Heck
- Thesis title: Algorithm Engineering and Dynamic Algorithms
- Supervisor: Ass.-Prof. Dr.Kathrin Hanauer, B.Sc. M.SC.
- 2nd Presentation
- When: 11:30
- Presenter: Eva Szilagyi
- Thesis title: Towards a Theory of Dynamic Geometric Problems: Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) and Euclidean Spanners
- Supervisor: Ass.-Prof. Dr.techn.Gramoz Goranci, M.Sc.
- 3rd Presentation
- When: 12:15
- Presenter: Ali Momeni Mohammadabadi
- Thesis title: Dynamic Graph Sparsification - New Directions and Techniques
- Supervisor: Ass.-Prof. Dr.techn.Gramoz Goranci, M.Sc.