DoCS Welcome & Info Session

19.10.2022 09:45

Presentation of the UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS & FAQs (Room 4.28, Währinger Straße 29)

All new and currently enrolled doctoral students in Computer Science are welcome to join the presentation of the UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS and to ask any questions that might arise.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to this semester’s DoCS Welcome and Info Session on Wednesday, the 19th of October at 9.45 am.

All event details will be sent to you via email to your university email account.

The event registration is open for all DoCS doctoral students until the 12th of October.

Get in contact with DoCS if you have any questions.


DoCS - Doctoral School Computer Science

Room 4.28, Währinger Straße 29, 1090 Vienna