News & Events


The 6th Annual PRIDE Conference at the University of Zurich (Switzerland)

DoCS Event

on the early stage of your PhD studies - supervision, public presentation (FOeP) and dissertation agreement.




2-tägiges Schreibretreat (online, Deutsch) für Doktorand*innen in motivierender Gruppe, begleitet von einer Schreibtrainerin


organised by the Center for Doctoral Studies

Public Defence

"The requirements, benefits and challenges of pair-programming when learning to code at schools"

Public Presentation

Research Cluster: Human - Computer Interaction and Education (HCIE)


Educational programme where aspiring innovators learn key tools and principles of entrepreneurship by blending theory and hands-on experience.


Exploring the PAIR framework in a PRIDE Webinar

DoCS Event

on DoCS funding and navigating through the PhD programme

Doctoral Student Activities

Are you a DoCS doctoral student and do you have ideas for doctoral students initiatives? Would you like to organize a doctoral student event? Let us know your ideas and get in contact with DoCS.

Join our new LinkedIn Group "UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science"

The LinkedIn Group aims to connect current members and alumni of DoCS


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More events can be found in the »Event calendar of the Faculty«.