News & Events

Public Presentation

Research Cluster "Human - Computer Interaction and Education (HCIE)"

Public Defence

"The Evolving of CASM: Modern Compiler Engineering and Empirical Guided Language Design for a Rigorous State-Based Method"

DoCS Event

Registration deadline: June 16, 2022

Public Defence

"TIDATE - Time and Data Aware Process Mining at Runtime"

Public Defence

"Swimming in Murky Waters: Exploring Protocols, Security Features And Practices On The Internet"


Workshop on UN Sustainable Development Goals

DoCS Event

Presentation of the UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science DoCS & FAQs


Deadline: May 18, 2022

DoCS Event

First CS Colloquium of the year with Prof. Shamir on "A New Theory of Adversarial Examples in Machine Learning."

Doctoral Student Activities

Are you a DoCS doctoral student and do you have ideas for doctoral students initiatives? Would you like to organize a doctoral student event? Let us know your ideas and get in contact with DoCS.

Join our new LinkedIn Group "UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science"

The LinkedIn Group aims to connect current members and alumni of DoCS


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More events can be found in the »Event calendar of the Faculty«.