News & Events


Register for the information event for the next call of the FFG Call Spin-off Fellowship


Register for a webinar in the CENTRAL webinar series "Artificial intelligence – friend or foe?"


The topic is "Landwirtschaft und Planetary Health: Möglichkeiten für eine gesunde und nachhaltige Ernährung"


Register for a webinar in the CENTRAL webinar series "Artificial intelligence – friend or foe?"

DoCS Event

DoCS information, welcome & FAQs session with casual breakfast for all interested students (Room 4.28, Währinger Straße 29)


Register for the opening of the lab with Yasmin B. Kafai as keynote speaker


Join the hybrid dsUniVie talk


Join the international science festival where researchers connect together over scientific topics

Open Positions

Find out more about the position, tasks, and required skills!

Doctoral Student Activities

Are you a DoCS doctoral student and do you have ideas for doctoral students initiatives? Would you like to organize a doctoral student event? Let us know your ideas and get in contact with DoCS.

Join our new LinkedIn Group "UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science"

The LinkedIn Group aims to connect current members and alumni of DoCS


Follow us on Twitter and receive the latest updates, news, and information on the Doctoral School Computer Science.

More events can be found in the »Event calendar of the Faculty«.