News & Events


We would like to help you in any way possible to establish better communication and to find the needed contacts sooner

Public Defence

"Causally Consistent Abstractions of Time-Series Data"


Join the on-site NI Colloquium by Felix A. Wichmann (University of Tübingen)

CS Event

Join the ongoing hybrid DMML lectures about large language models and artificial intelligence

Public Defence

"Mining and Visualization of Customer Journey Processes in Information Systems"


Join the hybrid dsUniVie talk

Public Defence

"Prototype-based Representation Learning with Deep Clustering"

CS Event

Join the online lectures by Prof. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup and Kaspar Lebloch

DoCS Event

DoCS information, welcome & FAQs session with casual breakfast for all interested students (Room 4.28, Währinger Straße 29)

Doctoral Student Activities

Are you a DoCS doctoral student and do you have ideas for doctoral students initiatives? Would you like to organize a doctoral student event? Let us know your ideas and get in contact with DoCS.

Join our new LinkedIn Group "UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science"

The LinkedIn Group aims to connect current members and alumni of DoCS


Follow us on Twitter and receive the latest updates, news, and information on the Doctoral School Computer Science.

More events can be found in the »Event calendar of the Faculty«.