Conflict Management, Resolution and Psychological Assistance
Conflict Management, Resolution and Psychological Assistance
Conflicts are, unfortunately, an unavoidable part of human life, which can occur at any place or time, even while doing your PhD. Working on managing conflicts allows space for development, improvement and acknowledging of common problems. What is important for conflicts of any kind is to seek help, talk to people, express your worries and problems, so that better solutions can be made. Conflicts, stress overload, anxiety issues are all forms of bad feelings which can be professionally and carefully treated for you to get a chance to feel better.
Conflict management © Canva / © DoCS
We take the issue of conflict management seriously and offer our support to all students who need it. If conflicts arise during your PhD studies that require outside assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the DoCS. You can also contact us via the (anonymous) DoCS virtual feedback mailbox, if that feels safer for you.
We are open to one-on-one meetings to discuss the conflict/problem and take measures to find the best possible resolution together with you. It goes without saying that all information will be treated highly confidentially and only communicated to other (involved) parties with your consent.
Below is a list of further units at the University of Vienna, free public assistance & emergency councelling services (e.g. women's and men's against violence helplines/services, psychological/psychiatric services, anti-racism work, free legal advice on residencial permits, among others) to whom you can also always turn to:
Assisting Units of the University of Vienna
- Büro für Konfliktberatung / Office for conflict consulting
- Psychological assistance: occupational health and safety team
- Sexual harassment & bullying counselling office
The counselling office is open to all employees and students, free of charge and confidential. If desired, it's also anonymous. - Arbeitskreis für Gleichbehandlungsfragen / Equal opportunities working party
Advice, counselling and support for university members on issues of equal treatment, equal opportunities, gender equality and anti-discrimination, as well as topics such as mobbing, discrimination, sexual harassment.
Emergency Counselling Services or Crisis Hotlines of Austria or the City of Vienna
- Psychological counselling services
- Crisis intervention center Vienna
Providing support and counselling for people in acute crises in Vienna. Anonymous or personal counselling in person, via telephone or e-mail. - Social psychiatric emergency services (PDS) in Vienna
Immediate psychiatric assistance for people in acute crises: By calling this number, you will receive qualified and immediate assistance around the clock. - Women's helpline / Frauenhelpline gegen Gewalt
The consultants are bound to absolute confidentiality. You can also remain anonymous if you wish. Services in many languages, website provides lots of information and links e.g. on women's shelters, councelling centers for sexual violence, victim protection groups in the hospitals, sign language support, regional centers, women with disabilities and experience of violence. - Men's councelling & hotlines / Männerberatung
Youth work, anti-violence training, accompaniment to court, etc. - Ö3 Kummernummer careline
- Telefonseelsorge crisis hotline
Emergency Services in German
- Neighbourhood centres
Available in every district of Vienna, also via telephone - Helpline of the Berufsverbands Österreichischer PsychologInnen | BÖP
- Psychotherapeutic emergency service
Organised psychotherapy services online or via telefone
Organisations/NGOs (assisting on topics such as racism, online hate or legal advice)
- helping hands
A non-governmental organisation (NGO) that helps immigrants/newcomers, and organises and runs various projects that offer help where it is most needed: focus is on legal advice on aliens’ law. - ZARA – Civil Courage & Anti-Racism-Work
- The Weisser Ring
Free of charge support for crime victims and legal support and counselling in exercising rights. Member of Victim Support Europe. Although VSE does not provide direct support to victims, it operates a referral system as a way to coordinate victims and the national support services. - HEMAYAT – Betreuungszentrum für Folter- und Kriegsüberlebende /Centre providing counselling and support for survivors of war and torture, Vienna